Thursday, October 15, 2009

volley oh volley

aku skip clas research lagi ptg td.but credit should be given to tazah cuz tlg sign attendance aku.again..i did that just for the sake of volleyball.volley ni x la popular sgt kt cni but aku suka maen volley.the situation is, at fac edu, bila ada tournament baru smua nk tron maen, time2 skunk, agak kekurangan player itu.aku wonder kt mana hilang semangat nk bwk balek emas for edu the next saf?dulu time saf, ramai yg maen, tp sekarang, agak mengecewakan.dlm otak aku, semangat terhadap vball x penah hilang.seriously, i can remember every single moment at that sticks on my mind.maybe ni la yg buat aku semangat maen.saf this year, our team edu juz got silver medal.kami kalah dgn bdk2 sport rec and i always regret for that game, the game that we did not play our style, our strategy, our game.this disappointment will never fade away because i have no chance to revenge, to beat them back. we could play better, we could give them fight, we could make edu proud, we could prove to everyone that cekgu pon hebat bersukan but we blew it.WE BLEW IT AWAY in front of the edu's sem, aku da kna balek maktab, saf will be held in next two sems. aku x contribute anything for edu yet.still.that makes me feel sucks.aku da lama jatoh chenta dgn volley.volley is in my blood (sorry, ayat ni mmg poyo..)


  1. x poyo la, criusly...
    i will always support u k no mttr wut...
    so even u feel dat way but dun u eva regrate bout nyting dat hppn in ur life k...

  2. i love that spirit.. =)
    u've always been so sooo unique in ur own way.

  3. thanks for the support cik armi..everyone is unique, its about how we see things..

  4. nur is cik armi upenya, patutla sokong smcam je...usher, aku pnah gak main volleyball, wakil department tmpat umi aku kerja, dapat johan jgak, best player sure la aku yang dpat, tp aku tetap cintakan bola baling...
